Join the impact campaign, actions and climate literacy initiatives by our friends at CAN YOU HEAR US? — tirelessly working to amplify grassroots climate action that reframes our relationship with the planet.
Join and support #FridaysForFuture — the powerful youth-led climate movement sparked by Greta’s #ClimateStrike #SchoolStrike. Simply put, strike every friday: take off work, school—show up (and show up for all social-justice movements).
#FaceTheClimateEmergency — sign this open letter w/ demands to world leaders
#MindTheGap — there is a huge gap in what the scientists (and even world leaders) say we must do, and what we are on track to do—this is called “the emissions gap”. We need to keep emissions below 1.5°C, a target we will pass in 5-8 years (depending on the 67% or 83% chance metrics).
For us, being mindful that we need to treat the climate crisis like an emergency is the first step. There is no silver bullet to solve the climate crisis, it’s a silver buckshot, and the idea of watching one film and having one (easy) action, sadly, isn’t reality. It will be hard. It will take your entire life—eternal vigilance fighting for fundamental stchange.
Individual actions aren’t going to cut it, we need sweeping systemic and political changes. That said, we believe mindsets and actions do matter—individuals, after all, make up the collective (just look at Greta: the power of one led to a global movement).
At film festivals, we often talk about how the arts can be harnessed to create purpose-driven films/series/artwork that challenge status quo thinking, educate, awaken awareness, create platforms/entry points for discussion, and spark action. The science is clear, the injustices are stark — now is the time for great storytelling.
If someone really wants to take an action, we sometimes mention 3 things we can do at least 3x/day:
Eat a plant-based diet — If cows represented their own country, it would be the sixth largest greenhouse gas emitter (NYTimes)
Compost — If food waste represented its own country, it would be the third largest greenhouse gas emitter, behind China and the United States (UNEP)
Clean up the Cloud — Global IT demands rank third in energy usage behind the US & China. Check out this infographic sheet (for us filmmakers, don’t store unnecessary media in the cloud!)
Stay unstuck — We like Rebecca Solnit's description of hope as living in the "unstuck place between optimism and pessimism where action is possible." Optimists think everything’s going to be fine, no matter what happens, and they excuse themselves from action. And pessimists think we’re f**ked no matter what happens, and they excuse themselves from action. But hope lives in the unstuck middle place where agency is possible.